Wednesday, January 14, 2009

NBC says "screw you, sports fans!" (Originally posted Saturday, August 09, 2008)

In rabid anticipation of tonights festival of communism, my special lady friend and I anxiously awaited the opening ceremonies of the olympics. Beers in hand, we tuned in the NBC online Olympics website, only to find a pathetic two minute recap of the wonders we missed, wonders that included 2,008 synchronised chinese slaves drumming while flaming, smoking, pollution spewing fireworks attempted to bring fruition to Al Gore's inconveniant pack of self-aggrandising fear-mongering Godless horse crap.
NBC is a piece of garbage. The website doesn't work. Our tv only gets OPB, which means that tonight there are two sad little sports fans drinking away their sorrows in front of a patriotic miniseries produced by HBO and released on DVD. Honestly, though, "John Adams" is pretty fucking good.
Don't tread on us, England!

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