In a recent conversation with a rather well-read friend of mine, I heard him use a term which completely baffled my senses of logic and reason. Apparently a number of progressive thinkers have invented a term for an imagined evil supposedly inherent in our free-market society, and that term is “wage-slavery.” Supposedly, in a system such as we have in the U.S., greedy and all-powerful “wage-slavers” keep the working class down by forcing them to do menial work such as making shitty overpriced coffee, selling crappy overpriced clothes in the God-forsaken malls, and any of a number of the other jobs we all did before we grew up and realized that we needed to do something useful with ourselves. And supposedly these evil overlords are able to keep the peasants in their place by only paying them just enough to scrape by, but not enough to overcome their situation.
At this point I laughed so hard I almost shit myself. America today is not the America of the 19th century, so why are some people still spouting the same old rhetoric? The anarchists and pinkos of the era of unionization were fighting for humane working conditions and a fair day’s wages. The progressive liberals of today are fighting for other people’s money, despite having the benefit of history’s hindsight to look back to all of the times when socialist-communist experiments around the world plunged entire nations into black holes of ruin and starvation. History and current events show us quite clearly what happens to a people forced to redistribute assets and wealth in order to eliminate the lower class. The entire nation becomes the lower class, with the only exception being the ruling class. The society becomes a cruel mockery of itself.
As the saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. How old does a person have to be to realize that a good life requires a little bit of hard work? How long can these assholes sit around like big helpless babies, shitting their diapers and screaming for someone else to change them and give them a bah-bah?
But I digress. We were talking about the myth of wage-slavery. Let us forgo discussions of the disgusting ignorance this usage of the term “slave” reveals in the progressive thinker. One need only read the autobiography of Frederick Douglass to see the glaring contrast between the lives of the unmotivated bottom-feeders of today and those truly tortured and enslaved men and women of a past that has been thankfully laid to rest. The comparison would be laughable if it weren’t so disgustingly blind. Slavery is dead. It was the death of slavery and the passing of the days of sharecroppers and segregation that matured America into a truly free and equal state. Still, as with any other economic system, there remains greedy individuals hoping to attain wealth through the exploitation of the cheap labor of others. But how is this attained in a nation of truly free and innately equal individuals? In a free nation, the labor can only be cheap if it chooses to be. No slave was ever given that choice.
As the American dream becomes a reality for larger and larger segments of the population, and the natural development of individual liberty and freedom from oppression progresses, we realize the founder’s vision of a nation of free and equal individuals. Certain steps must be taken by the so-called “slave lords” to ensure that the pool of cheap labor never goes dry. Due to the nature of our free nation, any who would proclaim themselves “wage-slaves” have freely chosen to become so. Indeed, this is so well understood by the supposed exploitative ruling class that they have adapted to this new age by introducing enticements specifically designed to weaken the need to work for a better, more rewarding, life. Where once there were whips and chains, now there are financial enticements. Government subsidies are created as incentives for lower class citizens to remain at the bottom, allowing them to tread water for the benefit of the business owner and, in the style of true socialism, at the expense of the rest of the tax-paying citizenship. Earned income tax credits, welfare, kicker checks, and food stamps are all shining examples of this sinister new form of social engineering.
Wealth redistribution plans as put forth by liberal Democrats only serve to increase incentives for individuals at the bottom of the income ladder to remain in place, never bettering themselves or their situation, thus creating a class of easily exploited voluntary "wage-slaves".
This, I suppose, makes President Obama our new slave king.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
These Boots Were Made For Kicking Fascist Ass

One of the only aspects of this ridiculous economic stimulus package that actually makes sense is about to be dropped by President Obama due to pressure from the European Union Trade Commission, a group of morally corrupt fascists who have apparently decided to drag us onto their sinking ship. The excellent "Buy American" clause would dictate that American iron and steel must be used in the construction projects that form part of the recovery plan, in order to further boost job growth and liquid revenue passed amongst the citizenship. The E.U., however, is trying to get it's grubby little hands on some of our taxpayer supplied stimulus money by pressuring the president to nix this clause. I just called Representative David Wu and Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkely to tell them to politely inform the European Union to go fuck itself, and now you can, too! Keep the "Buy American" clause in the stimulus plan!
contact your senator:
contact your state representative:
Help America out. Find out what she makes good, and buy it. I'm wearing Danner Boots, made right here in Portland. These shits have lasted me 6 years, two of those in a Navy industrial shipyard, and I can still stand in a puddle of water up to my shins without getting wet, hell fucking yeah! Bring it on, Fascism!
Editor's Note: In retrospect, it would appear that this particular rant was advocating protectionist trade policies, but this was not my intention. Protectionism decreases overall output, efficiancy, and ultimately leads to a decline in quality of life. This process was beautifully explained by the English economist David Ricardo with his Theory of Comparative Advantage. My goal was merely to point out that if the government is going to steal our money and blow it on stupid crap, it could at least have the decency to spend our money within our own economy, thus mitigating our losses on this crummy deal.
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